Wednesday 4 September 2013

Getting ready for Little One's Arrival - Hospital Checklist

Few weeks ago, at one of my company monthly outing, 2 of my colleagues and I were chatting about our little ones. 1 of them is a mother of 2 , and the other is getting ready for her little girl's arrival. So we talked about what to expect in the delivery ward, epidural or not, confinement nanny, massage lady etc. My 1st question to her was, " Have you packed your hospital bag?"

Being a kiasu Mommy, I packed my hospital bag at week 32 for Jewel. Yes I know it was way too early! What to do…Mommy Chloe was excited and eager to welcome Jewel. As for Ian, I packed it at week 34. I was reading the daily updates in the Mommies forum and 1 of the Mommies back then kindly uploaded an hospital bag checklist. Pretty useful I would say. I remembered some Mommies was so exaggerated that they brought a luggage to the hospital! A luggage?! Is there a need?? What is there to put inside?? Your familiar stinking pillow or teddy bears??

For me, I use a sports bag and off I went!

Hospital Check List;
For Mommy

  • Camera/ Video Cam with Tripod - No need for elaboration. 

  • Lip Balm -  Scratching your head? I didn't bring it along for my first delivery. I regretted big time! As I didn't take the epidural, my breathing was deep and heavy. The pain was too much for me to bear that I couldn't how I breathed till my lips were dry and cracking! I think I breathed through my mouth. So for my second delivery, I make bloody sure I brought it along. And I brought 2! Haha.
  • Newborn clothing's, beanie, mittens, booties and swaddling blanket- You have been buying and buying baby's clothes and commenting, 'Awwww…. look at that??? Such a cute and tiny piece of romper. I want to buy!" At the day of discharge, the nurse will change your baby's clothes for you and put on the beanie. Newborn are afraid of cold so wear something over the head to provide warmth.
  • Front buttoned pyjamas - This is for breastfeeding mommy for convenience sake. It will come in useful even when you are back at home.
  • Nursing Bra - It should not happen during the first week but some may experience leaking from the other breast when you are breastfeeding your baby. Getting a nursing bra with a breast pad stick on is safer.
  • Nipple Cream - High Importance for Breastfeeding Moms.
  • Toiletries - You want to smell nice when friends and colleagues come and visit you and not feeling sticky and itchy all over. Forget about not bathing for 30 days. Those are meant for people who stayed in the mountains during winter. As long as you dry yourself thoroughly after showering it is ok. For hygiene purpose for breastfeeding, you have to bathe. Can you imagine having your breakfast, lunch and dinner by the drain?? Smelly and unhygienic. Tsk Tsk.
  • A set of clothes for yourself for the discharged- After baby is out, your tummy will not deflate back to your pre-pregnancy size. It will be about probably when you were 5 months pregnant. So bring some suitable dress or maternity shorts/pants during the day of discharge.
  • Sanitary Pads - You will have menses for the entire one month and the flow will be heavy during the first week. If you are unable to find maternity sanitary pads, it is fine. Go ahead with normal sanitary pads, but you may want to get longer pads ( for night use) as you will be, and should be laying down all the time.
  • Disposable maternity undies - Your undies may get stained. For convenience and hygiene purpose, better to throw away your undies after use.
  • Personal documents - NRIC of you and your spouse, Marriage Certificate, Hospital Registration documents
  • A Jacket - For those taking epidural, I heard from my friends that one of the side effects is that you will shiver and tremble when the medication starts to take effect.
  • Phone / Camera Charger - Bet you will keep snapping your cutie's photo. 

Optional Items;

Breastpump - Honestly, there is no need to bring it along. No need for any stimulation or whatever. 10 out of 10 Mommies who brought it along to the hospital had feedback that there is no need for it. If you are really really worried then go ahead.

Makeup Kit - "Wow, you look so good after delivery!" You feels shiok after seeing this comment in your FB photos right. 

An ultra big bag - Probably that is where your luggage comes in handy now. If you didn't drive, you may have to think how to bring back hampers that was sent to you.

A small note book - To record down the timing of the milk feeds. You can record using your phone though.

Perfume/ Body Spray - For those who don't intend to bathe and expecting lots of visitors.

For Daddy;

A Jacket - There is nothing for you to do except to wait and wait and wait for that moment. Practically there is no movement required from you so you may feel cold while waiting.

Snack - In case the labour is long and it is at midnight. 

Toiletries - While staying over with your amazing wife.

Phone Charger - Snap Snap Snap

Phone list - List of friends and relatives whom you want to announce when your cutie is out!

Take note;

- If you do not intend to breastfeed, check with your hospital if they provide bottled formula milk. If not, you will have to buy milk powder and bring it to the hospital with you.

- Diapers and wet wipes will be provided. ( Will be billing you of course. In case you thought they are free. )

While blogging about all these, it just felt like yesterday that I just packed my hospital bag and waiting anxiously for the cue to admit to the hospital!!

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