Sunday 29 September 2013

Agar Agar Cupcakes

Did some agar agar into cupcakes for a friend's baby boy.

 Instead of the usual fondant cakes, I am experimenting it with agar agar. Ditch the butter and icing sugar, let's welcome the less fattening alternative.

Friday 27 September 2013

My Beancurd Supper WIth Ian

Yesterday night my lovely son treated me to a round of his self made beancurd. There were so much till it spilled on me ALL OVER. Thankfully it wasn't hot, just warm.

Gotcha! And you thought it was the real beancurd right? Haha. It was his vomit, milk that had cured, and it looks like beancurd but the smell is way far off. He merlion again just when I thought his stomach had matured. Poor boy. He regurgitated so much that the whole room was filled with the sour milk stench. The already half way slept Hub jumped out of the bed the moment he heard his son puke. From the amount of beancurd that was splattered all over me, I think it equates to 2 bottles of milk.  At the last bit of his puking drama, he squeezed his eyes and shivered a little. He must have felt really awful.

Sleeping with a comfy tummy now. *Sigh* This was the worst ever regurgitation for the past 13 months. Seriously, what went wrong? 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Rise & Shine 2013 - The Next Mega Event

I have not been to Rise & Shine event so I can't comment on how fantastic it is. But it seems to be quite a mega exhibition judging from the marketing materials. As stated, it has ALL the stuff that has got to do with Mommy, Baby and Toddlers. I went to the website download the brochure. Ah ha…..the goodies are in the brochure….Scroll down….


For S26 drinkers, you may want to grab some tins.

Interesting to see a facial salon participating in a Kid's exhibition. Anyway, I was comtemplating to try Porcelain Face Spa. Shall check it out when I am there.

I hope I can be the 1st 100 to receive a mystery gift but I doubt I can there so early. However I will try. *Try harder MommyChloe….Yawnzzzz* I might also stock up baby wipes, that is if they are cheaper than NTUC.

Since it is free, let's go for a bone check and see how much calcium is left on us.

Hope the event is as good as it sounds to be. Cya there!

* Pictures of the coupons are not very clear as they are in PDF and I had to snapshot to save as JPG. You can download them at their website.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ian Starts to Walk

Finally at 13 months, Ian starts to walk a little, with assistance. He still refuses to walk by himself. Nonetheless, it is a good start.

This morning at the market.
Who does he resembles? Some said Hub some said Mommy. Verdict: Ian looks like Mommy. I will tell you why in my next post.

Yes I know there is a bald patch at the side of his head. No…there is no problem with my hair cutting skill. His growth of hair is like that. Anyway, it is time for a haircut soon!

Why is my Memory Failing Me??

  • Huh? I don't remember you telling this.
  • Oh shit! I totally forgot about it.
  • You got tell me meh?
Does the above sounds familiar to you? My memory has been declining after 2 childbirths. Research said it could be due to;
  1. Fatigue
  2. Lack of sleep
  3. Multitasking
  4. Lack of nutrients
I used to have photogenic memory, thus it makes me scores at subjects that requires memorizing. Now, I have difficulty even at just remembering new phone numbers and peoples' names! How horrible can that be. I don't want to be absentminded. So I make it a point to remember things by hard. I've got a friend who told me that the the memory deficiency was made natural for post pregnancy woman to forget about the pain that they had went through during the delivery process…the contraction pain, the crowning, the pushing, the breathing, the stitching, all the horrible stuff.  Especially those who didn't take the Happydural aka Epidural jab. Eh…sounds logical…..As of now, slowly….I have forgotten the pain when I was delivering Ian. But whenever I have bad tummy ache or menses cramp, the past memories will come back to me again. =(

Monday 23 September 2013

Carefree Kids

Peek a Boo!

Having fun with Birdie and Elmo.

I took the good day from the hands of God as a perfect gift!

Saturday 21 September 2013

The Motherly Scent

This young chap fell asleep in my arms!

My colleague brought his son to the office yesterday. He is too cute to resist not to hug him. He is so so so huggable. His mommy was away and this boywas crying badly while my other colleague, Not His Daddy, was carrying him. My Not His Daddy colleague quickly pass him to me for help. I carried him, sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars, pat pat his back while singing and he KO within minutes. Anyone needs a timeout from your baby? You can consider my service. HeeHee.

Thursday 19 September 2013

15 Things That Make You a Mommy

You know you are a Mommy when…..

  1. You are the last to bathe after the kids had their last milk feed and tucked to bed.
  2. Going out for a drink with your colleagues after work is a torture when it used to be an enjoyment.
  3. You are suffering from headaches/migraine due to irregular sleeping hours.
  4. You consider shopping for groceries ALONE at the supermarket like a short getaway trip.
  5. You can sing all nursery songs without referring to the IPAD.
  6. You blog only when your kids are asleep. Like what I am doing now.
  7. Meals are rarely eaten hot.
  8. Your bag is filled with snacks.
  9. You choose the smallest bag to carry when you are having your 'ME' time!
  10. You don't close the door when you are having a shower.
  11. You forgot when was the last time you were in your mini skirt.
  12. You enjoy checking your kids' poo poo. 
  13. You can't enjoy your favorite chilli padi because your toddler will be sharing food with you.
  14. You wish you are the one falling sick instead of your kiddos.
  15. A nostalgic feeling lingers around you when you sees that familiar high heel shoes sitting at the shoe rack.

How many of the 15s have you ticked? (",)

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Get Impressed By Me

Busy busy busy. Busy with what? With these!

Dolly Agar Agar

These are done for Jewel's school fund raising event. Pretty anot?? 

Castle Agar Agar

With the props

I am pretty impressed by myself with the results of my agar agar. The colour combinations are so nicely mixed. The teachers and the parents were so amazed with my 'artwork' that 1 of the parents actually asked for my number wanting to order from me! Wow Wow Wow. No one bear to cut and eat it. So I bravely sliced it and distribute it out to all teachers and staffs of the school and also the parents of Jewel's classmates. * at the same time to angkat Jewel's teachers…heehee…* 
Can't wait to do more of these agar agar for my friends for their special occasions!  Check out my updates next week for another design.

PM @ for enquires on my Agar Agar Cakes

Mid Autumn Festival 2013

Celebration time again! Kids are encouraged to wear the Chinese Costumes today. Not to waste the qibao that I bought for Jewel for her Chinese New Year celebration in school earlier this year, I got her to wear that again. Trying to get her to wear as many times as possible to make it worthwhile. Kekeke.

All students are to gather at the ballet room for a performance done up by the Kindergarden students. Parents are encouraged to join in to watch the performance. Parents were informed a week earlier to participate.

Can you spot her?
Chang E Story. 
 Look at the moon, sticked on the TV. Can tell that the teachers put in effort to create this little skit for us.
Dance Performance by the K1
And the chaos starts after that as there was a all together merry go round. All students are to hold one other's hand and go merry go round! Wah piang I tell you….. my jaws dropped wide opened when I saw that. * pulls my hairrrr…..*

A Bunch of Kids

Anyhow merry go round…who cares…haha
Class Photo
And she seems to the shortest or if not, the smallest in size. Well, doesn't matter…as long as she is healthy and happy!

Saturday 14 September 2013

10 Interesting Myths about Babies

1) Baby's Thigh

Singe fold on both thighs like Jewel means your next child is a boy. 2 folds means your next child is a girl. If one thigh has 1 single fold and the other has 2 folds, like Ian, it means unpredictable. This myth is true on Jewel as my 2nd child is a boy. Whether or not it will be true for Ian, I will not risk it as I do not plan for the 3rd child. Spare me….2 is enough. Probably God knows I do not want a 3rd that is why it is unpredictable.

2) Sucking Their Yummy Foot
It means you will be expecting the next baby very soon! Totally not true la. I found out that 9 out of 10 babies start sucking their foot starting from 4 months onwards.

3) A Prominent Growing Hair Line  

It means the baby has alot of gu1 gu1 (father's sister). Untrue because Hub has no sisters at all! But true for my friend's daughter though.

4) Green Poo & Purple Vein at Nose Bridge
Means your baby had a fright earlier on.

5) Cannot praise the baby saying he/she is chubby and fat.
Baby will start to fall sick and become skinner.

6) Babies with little hair / Not growing
Apply brandy or whisky on their head and it will stimulate better growth.

7) Teething Period
 It is painful during the teething period. Old folks believe that in performing the following ritual at                  baby 4 months old, it will lessen the pain.


  1. String 12 Marie Biscuits together and forming a necklace using a red thread and hang on baby's neck.
  2. 1 piece of meat to make some stock
  3. 2 stalks of Chives


1) Use chives to rub on baby's gums and say,"Mommy using chives to rub your gum so that you will not have difficulty time in teething."

2) Starting with the 1st biscuit, rub Marie biscuits on baby's lips and the area around the mouth say," You will not have problem teething and you will not salivate." After rubbing 12 biscuits and say the chant for 12 times, the parent will have to eat the biscuits. Yes….finish the 12 biscuits. This is done so that the parents will help to swallow the saliva during the teething period

  • Let baby taste a bit of the meat stock and say, " Let you drink meat soup next time easy to feed with food."
This cute lady is a friend of mine in Facebook. Thanks to her for all the photos!

8) Late in Walking means a good life ahead
The chinese believes that the later the child knows how to walk, the better their future prospect will be. Jewel started walking at 18 months, just when she was about to enter to Pre Nursery. Ian still can't walk yet. I can't comment on this yet. Check with me 30 years later. LOL.

9) Playing with Saliva
Means going to rain soon but which baby doesn't do that??

10) Do not let your baby look at the mirror under 4 months old.
Old folks say if baby under 4 months look at the mirror, they will be good at telling lies when they grow up.

Do contribute if you know of any other myths. It will be interesting to know!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Japanese Chicken Curry

I have been trying to put on weight but it seems tough. (erhmm…I am not trying to show off ok) I thought I will be a little heavier after I stopped breastfeeding but it turned out otherwise. I am at my skinniest now, 44kg - 45kg. If I have several output a day, with 1 explosion kind ( you know what I mean ), I will be below 45 kg. 

I have been telling myself to eat more but appetite seems bad nowadays. I was telling SIL that I want to do those firming facial that can firm up my face as I find that my cheeks seems sagging. SIL response, " Huh?? What firming facial? Your face  still got meat for firming meh??" Lol. She said my jaw bone is getting very defined nowadays. And guess what my mommy said? 

She was very serious in her tone and tell me this," Later you go pharmacy get those medicine to drink to kill worms in your tummy. I am very sure you have worms in your tummy."

Me: Huh? Serious? But my asshole not itchy lei. And when I wipe it, I see no worms."



1 Chicken Breast 
1 Tbs Oyster Sauce
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Tbs Sesame Oil
3 Cloves Garlic, Smashed
A Dash of Pepper
1/2 Onion, Sliced
3 Cloves Garlic, Minced
3 Potatoes
Bread Crumbs
1 Egg
2 Quadrants of Instant Curry Mix

  1. Marinate chicken breasts with oyster sauce, sugar, sesame oil, pepper and garlic. Leave in fridge 4 hours.
  2. Beat the egg into the marinated chicken breast and coat with bread crumbs and deep fry them until golden brown. Dish out and drip away the oil.
  3. Wash, skin and cut potatoes into small pieces and deep fry until cooked, about 15 mins. Dish out and drip away the oil.
  4. In a skillet, add some oil and stir fry the onion and garlic till fragrant.
  5. Pour 1 1/2 cup water and add 2 quadrant of the instant curry mix. Mix them well.
  6. Add all the fried chicken breast and potatoes and mix well.
  7. Dish out and serve on a plate.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

New Mirror

Finally found a standing mirror that is so chio and yet practical. Nearly bought one at Ikea but Smart Alex  Hub spotted a better looking one at Groupon! Cheaper and inclusive of delivery! What a great deal!

Simple and Sleek 

I was so impressed with the interior. I can already imagine putting all my accessorizes in. *clasp my hands together, put it beside my left cheek and admiring it*

A lot of compartments right?? Really a good purchase. So good that SIL was tempted to buy and without hesitation she placed her order and it is arriving next week.

Finally I can snap OOTD myself without asking Smart Alex Hub for help. Haha!

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