Thursday 15 August 2013

My Breastfeeding Agony

Before Ian was on formula milk, he was exclusively on breast milk. I was proud for being a breastfeeding mommy.  For the first four months, he was exclusively latched on. I didn't want to express as I finds it troublesome. From my previous experience I had with Jewel (exclusively on expressed breast milk EBM), expressing is not as effective to build up the supply, inconvenient and lots of washing and sterilizing. Thus, I was very determine for Ian to latch on. The only con I feels about latching on is that Mommy doesn't know the quantity of milk they drank.

During the first two months, Ian yelled for milk at every hour. My nipples nearly fell off! I gritted my teeth at every feeding session. Imagine an open wound being rubbed against with salt at every hour. It was extremely painful. I am not trying to scare off anyone who is planning to breastfeed but it is really excruciating . Nipple cream does helps and I diligently applied on it after every feed. This is the nipple cream that I used, Earth Mama Natural Nipple Butter.

Earth Mama Natural Nipple Butter

It works miracle! It is lanolin free, zero toxin, not sticky and best of all, SAFE FOR BABY. I recommended it to my friend and she had the same review too. Right Janice (if you are reading it)?

Two months of grueling sessions, my nipples got seasoned at the third month. Ian is still pretty demanding. Interval was every two hours and at night, it will be the same or every one and a half hour. 'Huh? Really anot? Then how you sleep?' I was a walking zombie. I didn't have sufficient rest. It was affecting my work. A weary soul, I couldn't see any glimpse of light in the tunnel. My Mommy consoled me, telling me to endure and that things will improve eventually. But when? Nonetheless, I persisted and persevered as I want to provide the most nutritional food to my little one.

After a satisfying feed.

When Ian was ten months old, I had mastitis. It was awful. I had high fever and my body kept shivering. I felt chilly, so cold till my teeth rattled like castanets. It was one of my worst experiences in my life! Finally, I called it an end to breastfeeding. Apart of me felt sad that I couldn't continue however Hub comforted me saying formula milk is fine too.

It is coming to two months since I stopped. I do miss those days when he latched on but not the sleepless nights. As of current, he is only waking up once at night. I hope in time to come, he will be able to sleep through the night!

Loves his smile!

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