Wednesday 21 August 2013

Ian turns One

Yesterday was Ian's 1 year old birthday! We had a birthday dinner with my in laws. Unlike many parents, we didn't hold a birthday bash as me and Hub prefer a low profile celebration.

Birthday cake from The Icing Room

Finally Ian turns one. Expecting Ian wasn't smooth as compared to Jewel. Morning sickness was horrible and I constantly felt bloated. When I reach my 5th month, I was hospitalized due to food poisoning. I was so worried about the little boy in my tummy. Will he get dehydrated inside? Will he experience tummy ache as well?? After I recovered, few months later I had persistent cough. It was so terrible that I had to see a specialist and I was prescribed with STEROID! My jaws dropped wide  opened, a thousand unutterable fears bore irresistible depositism ovet my thoughts. Steroid for a preggie??? Insanity. Doctor assured me that it is fine to take the steroid and that it will not harm my baby in any way. 

When I reached my third trimester, I still felt bloated and couldn't consume much. My tummy was very very low and pointed then. I felt uncomfortable to step out of the house. Many commented this when they saw me,'' Wah, your tummy is so low. Going to deliver soon right?" With a smile, I replied with the same thing every time," Ya…Soon." At night I will have difficulty to find the right position to sleep.  Lying sideway, I will feel the tummy falling so heavily to the side. For sure I can't lie on my back, my spine will break. Neither here nor there. 

At 34 weeks, I lost my mucus plug. I panicked like hell!. I remembered it was in the evening at around 5pm. My gynae clinic had closed for the day and I thought there shouldn't be any major issue. Feeling uneasy at 9pm, Hub brought me to KKH to have a check. Half choked, I was 3cm dilated. 3cm at 34 weeks??? This is crazy. No, I can't have Ian out at this period of time. His lungs are not yet fully developed. The gynae at KKH insisted I get warded and take a jab to stop my cervix from dilating any further. At that moment I had to make a choice. To ward or not? To take the jab or not? Conclusion, I didn't allow the KKH gynae to do anything to me and I left the hospital. The gynae was reluctant to let me go but I insisted. So she got me to sign a letter stating that I left on my own consent and I will not hold KKH liable for anything that was going to happen after I get discharged.

The next day, I hurried to my own gynae clinic. The same, she gave me a jab to stop the cervix from dilating and I was happily on my way home after that. My tummy was getting heavier day by day and I had problem in my mobility. At 36 weeks, I kept telling Ian that he can be out any time. So at 38 weeks, during the weekly checkup, this was how it happened;

Gynae: " How are you today?"

Me: " Good." Casully saying," Haii…Just wondering if I can deliver today…"

Gynae: " Ok…Let me do a check……….Wow. You are 5cm-6cm dilated already! Faster go home and prepare yourself to get admitted to hospital today. I am going to deliver you at 2pm."

Me, feeling astonished," What? I am already dilated so much? Can I wait till next week?"
If possible I would want to deliver Ian on the same date as Jewel.

Gynae:" No. Can't wait any longer unless you want to deliver on the streets."

I bowed submission and went back home. I had a shower and head to Macdonald to have a Mcgirddles meal. Feeling full, I was ready for it! Acting hero again, I didn't have the epidural jab. For the next 1 1/2 hour, I enduredddddddd the worst kind of pain in my life! 

He is out!

Kinda miss the newborn Ian. 

Nonetheless, Happy Birthday my son! Muacks!

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